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Who can become a member of Vendor VIP? Both landlords and vendor contractors can become members of Vendor VIP. Landlords use Vendor VIP to create, manage, share, and hire their Vendor lists with other landlords, property managers, and anyone else they choose. Vendors are invited to join by a landlord or property manager and their company profiles can they be shared among others in the profession.
Is Vendor VIP free to use?
Landlords and Property managers can register their account for free. Once they create their account, they can invite their favorite vendors to join their list. Vendors also create their accounts for free. Vendors will incur additional costs when processing their contractors through CrimShield, our authorized background screening provider.
How does Vendor VIP work?
Vendor VIP allows any group or individual to create their own vendor lists. Once those lists are created, Vendor VIP utilizes a proprietary process that makes hiring contractors simple, with a streamlined, hands-off process. After registration, we will share more of the magic with you.
How do vendors get approved to become a VIP?
Vendors get invited by a group or individual to join Vendor VIP. All qualified, participating vendors must successfully complete a criminal background check. CrimShield, Inc. performs a thorough criminal background check on all vendor applicants. Only those who meet the minimum criminal criteria of no felonies in the last 5 years, no misdemeanors in the last 3 years, and no sex crimes ever, will be considered for VIP status.
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